Sunday, February 13, 2011

Return of the Bluebirds

I heard a welcome sound, when I walked outside this morning. A pair of bluebirds were tweeting from the powerline.  The morning sun was bright and the temperature was around thirty, but the perception of warmth was much greater; due to what we have became accustomed to over the past few months.

All of my bird houses are already cleaned out and awaiting this springs residents.  One nest box has succumbed to the weight of snow and needs to be fixed.

The users of my nest boxes are always welcome; no matter who they may be.  Bluebirds, tree swallows and house wrens are my usual guests. I have to admit though that the tree swallows are my favorites; I just wish they would nest twice every year here, because by June; they're gone.
Tree Swallows
As the days get longer, this should be your clue to get ready for your back yard visitors. Make sure your boxes are clean and securely attached to whatever they are mounted to. If you don't have any nest boxes, now is the time to put some up.  Believe me; you will be rewarded by your efforts.

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